Thursday, December 13, 2012

North's boat and other November happenings

Grandpa recently bought a few remote control boats for North.  Given the unseasonably warm temperatures we had throughout November, North was able to use them quite a bit.

 Watching North and Grandpa drive 2 of the boats at a pond near Grandma and Grandpa's house
 North loves to drive them with the remote control-- and he's pretty good!

 Quorra looks so cute in her old snowsuit from North-- we couldn't help but snap some pictures of her in it.
A random photo of North signing into school one morning
We cleaned up some leaves around the house---including outside the laundry room door--North liked playing in the small exterior stair well.
One day at pre-school North's class seemingly pulled off a coup.  There were a number of haircuts.  No clear story has yet been given but North's mohawk was a casualty.  We trimmed up the back in an effort to even out what was otherwise a bald spot.
Alan and Grandpa also took advantage of the warm weather by patching up suspected weak points in the pool.  I snapped this picture one evening as they worked.

The Polar Express!

One weekend in November, we met up with our great friends the McGranahans and the Clarkes for a trip to French Lick, Indiana.  We headed down there to stay in a water park resort (we neglected to take any photos in the water park but had an AMAZING time--North loved the water slides and whirlpool pool while Quorra really liked the lazy river) and to go on a Polar Express train ride.  It was incredible--definitely on my wish list for future holiday seasons as well.

 Mexican dinner before our train ride! Obviously North wasn't excited at all.
 Getting our tickets!
 Posing in front of the train
 Notes for Santa at the train station
 Quorra enjoyed watching North, Mila, Lincoln preparing for the train ride
Writing letters to Santa to drop off at the North Pole.  North asked Santa for Hulk Hands.  He's been pretty great this year so I suspect Santa will come through.
 Waiting to get on the train.
 Posing for a photo.  The daddies also sat together with Quorra.
Punching our tickets
 Getting hot chocolate and cookies from the chefs
 Watching the amazing sites go by out of our train car window
 Pulling into the North Pole
 Meeting Santa!
 In our room, North and Quorra had their own nook.  Complete with a bunk bed for them to sleep in.
After breakfast the kiddos enjoyed a ride on a luggage rack.
We took a lunch break from the water park and enjoyed walking around French Lick Resort.  Alan used to work for them--it was great to see and hear him speak about.
 North posing as spider-man in the atrium.
 And lounging around.
 While exploring the grounds he found a fun leaf.
 North, Mila, and Lincoln enjoyed jumping around the porch

It was an amazing weekend trip.