Friday, April 20, 2012

Growing gal!

It's been a fun week watching Edith grow grow grow.  Last night she lost her umbilical cord stump and today she had a pediatrician appointment -- she's up to 8 lbs 11.5 oz (55 %ile); 20.25 inches long (50 %ile); and 14 3/8 inches head circumference (55 %ile).  The doctor checked her out and declared that all seems perfect.  I couldn't agree more.  Here are some photos of the last few days.

 Bonding siblings



 Walking to dinner (Glory Days for me and McDonald's for North - so nice having so many options within walking/stroller distance). 



Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Snuggly sweet gal

Our first week home alone together has been a bit challenging (like when North managed to lock me out of the house when I was taking out the trash!) but also a lot of fun--full of sweet snuggly time and getting to watch the two kiddos bond.  Here are some photos from the past couple days.

watching Phineus and Ferb together

 North sang "Pop goes the weasel" while spinning the monkeys on her bouncy chair for her

 Trying to lift her head during some tummy time
 North got brave enough to hold her (while sitting on my lap--thus making it hard to get a picture). 

 New hair bow

Sweet and snuggly pretty baby on a cool rainy day

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Meeting Nana and Grandad

I didn't have any photos of Nana and Grandad's visit to the hospital to meet Edith to post until now. Alan e-mailed me some so that I could update the blog. Below are photos of Edith meeting her paternal grandparents.

We miss you daddy!

Last weekend Alan had to head back to Indiana. Quorra wore her "I love dad" onesie to let him know how much she loves and misses him.

With only one set of arms and two kiddos needing them, it was time to break out the sling I bought before she was born. It was an amazing origami experiment getting it on but ultimately, I got her settled in and cozy and we had a great afternoon enjoying the warm Virginia weather.

snug as a bug

North got to break out his skates!

Thanks Nancy!!!

A few days ago we got a great surprise in our mail! A care package from Nana Nancy for North and Edith! North was through the roof with excitement over the special treats and toys she mailed to him. In fact, we now daily have races between the cars toys that she sent.

And Edith loves her cozy pink blanket (which matches North's!)

Alan playing guitar for her as she snuggles in her new blankie--she loves music.

2nd week

Today baby Quorra is 2 weeks old! She's a great little gal and I'm so happy to get to spend this time snuggling and getting to know her.

I'm regularly struck by how much baby Quorra looks like baby North. After snapping the above photos of her this morning I dug up one of North when we has her age in the same towel--amazing how much she looks like him (below).