Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Today the kiddos enjoyed another day of vacation. Which included an evening of shabu shabu with Jimmy (the kiddos ate pb&j) and getting to wish Asa a happy 2nd birthday. 

Sunday, December 29, 2013



For Christmas grandma and grandpa got us zoo and Children's museum passes.  Today we used the zoo pass and visited the animals with grandma. We all had a great time.  And all of the Christmas lights were still even up!

Saturday, December 28, 2013


Quorra took her first self portraits (she stole my phone)

Wore her favorite new princess dress (insisted on it)

And stayed up late watching movies in the living room and snuggling


We've had lots of Christmas celebration and gifts. We've all had lots of fun getting time with family.

North asked for stuffed animal snakes from Santa this year (which he received). Quorra got a play kitchen.

Merry Christmas!

They both got to build a bear.

North chose names for their bears. His is Stuffy and hers is Fluffy.

And North was a good sport about getting a photo with Santa. This is the best we could get from Quorra.

The circus

In early December grandma and grandpa took North & Quorra to the circus!  They had an AMAZING time. Quorra especially loved the "horsies".