Friday, September 13, 2013

Ol Settlers

Each year, Bowling Green Indiana hosts "Old Settlers Festival".  We've been lucky enough to attend a few years.

This year North and Quorra enjoyed meeting up with Nana and Grandad, eating fried fish and funnel cake, and listening to some music while playing on the playground.

Here's North on the jungle gym:

 Also, here's just a silly recent picture of North and Quorra at Sam's club.  While we lived in Virginia, we developed an aversion to discount bulk item stores because they were always so stressful and crowded.  Then we moved back to Indiana and hadn't bothered to revisit them--until a week or so ago when we found ourselves at Sam's club and had a strangely wonderful experience.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Queen City Classic (Temporary) Tattoos

Over Labor day we had a great time getting to hang out with some very best friends and getting some swimming time in.  While hanging out, the kids even got some temporary tattoos from Jeremy and Carrie's amazing new tattoo shop Queen City Classic Tattoos!  Here they are showing them off



Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Hat trick

I'll catch up on blog posts some day.  In the interim, I had to capture on Quorra's blog the events of the evening.

Last night we decided to get the baby potties out while daddy was at band practice just for fun.  Today she decided to use them.  3 times the very first night she ever even tried.  2 poops and a pee.  Admittedly the first poop seemingly took her a bit by surprise.  But then she seemed to regard the whole event as a party trick.  An hour or so later she demanded her diaper "OFF!" and she pooped again.  Then a while later peed.  We're pretty excited about the prospect of a potty trained gal in the coming months.